
The Ninth JETA Conference

Sun, 08 Jul 2012

The Ninth Jogja English Teacher Association (JETA) Conference was jointly held by JETA, Disdikpora DIY and the English Language Education Study Programme or Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris -- PBI in the Central Building of Sanata Dharma University Mrican campus on 4 and 5 July 2012. The conference, whose theme reads Revitalizing English Teacher's Professional Development, was attended by some 200 participants. 


Bu Niken and Pak Joko Preparing to Print ...


Plenary Speaker Linda Hanington and JETA particpants: Sharing a Friendly Moment


JETA Members Performing the Play Roro Jonggrang


JETA 9 Committee Having a Meeting


"The Ninth JETA Conference has been a great success," concluded the organizing committee. (bb)
