
Our core values

The English   Education Study Programme or Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris [PBI] of Sanata Dharma was founded in 1955. PBI offers an S1 programme, which is equivalent to a four-year undergraduate university degree programme in many other countries.

Currently there are approximately 950 fully-enrolled PBI students. Some of these students have finished their theories, and therefore, they no longer attend or take scheduled classes. To graduate from PBI, they are required to complete their final papers or theses successfully. While studying at PBI, every student can also choose from a wide range of campus activities to join in order to express and develop themselves.

PBI's vision is formulated as follows: "To become an excellent and humanist English Education Study Program by integrating the Tridharma of Higher Education based on Ignatian Spirituality in producing educators"

PBI's missions are as follows:

  1. Develop and implement a superior and humanist English education system by implementing the Ignatian Pedagogy paradigm to produce educators who are professional, love students, and generous.
  2. Carry out research and community service in the fields of education and English that contribute to improving the quality of education in an effort to explore the truth.
  3. Educate the community through the publication of the results of learning activities, research, and community service.
  4. Develop collaborative networks with various partners and empower alumni.

PBI's objectives are:
  1. Prepare educators who have academic excellence and humanistic values ​​through a learning process that integrates professional competence (competence), conscience (conscience), concern (compassion) and commitment (commitment).
  2. Improve the quality of English education and services to the community for the realization of an increasingly dignified society.
  3. Organize programs to publish the results of learning, research, and community service activities that make a real contribution to society, including in the 3T area.
  4. Establish partnerships with schools, other stakeholders, and empower alumni to improve the quality of life of the community.

PBI (Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris) merupakan salah satu program studi FKIP Universitas Sanata Dharma yang menyelenggarakan program gelar Sarjana/Strata 1. Program studi ini merupakan salah satu program pioner Universitas Sanata Dharma, yang telah ada sejak tahun 1955. PBI bermisi menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang berusaha memadukan keunggulan akademik dengan nilai-nilai humanistik dalam rangka mempersiapkan tenaga-tenaga perancang, pengelola, dan pengembang program bahasa Inggris yang berkepribadian matang, berwawasan luas, serta memiliki integritas dan dedikasi yang tinggi; kompeten, andal, serta profesional untuk berperanserta dalam memajukan bangsa Indonesia melalui karya-karya pendidikan. PBI merupakan salah satu program studi yang telah terakreditasi dengan nilai A (unggul), sehingga menjadi salah satu program studi favorit di Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Email PBI USD: prodipbi[at]usd.ac.id

