
SPD-ers Succeed in SPACE

Sat, 22 Dec 2012

As their final entrepreneurship group project, five USD PBI students taking the subject Service Programme Design (SPD) conducted an intensive English training for some postgraduate students, which ended on Friday 21 December 2012. The English course consisted of 14 meetings and was held on Monday through Friday in room I/K 12 in the USD Mrican campus. Interestingly, the five SPD-ers, consisting of Bona, Mutiara, Nana, Tia and Wella, have come up with a catchy acronym SPACE as their company name, which stands for Smart, Progressive, Active and Creative English



 Excellent learning interaction at SPACE English course managed by PBI SPD-ers



Well, English is also full fo fun, isn't it?  


 Here is the handbook of SPACE (Smart, Progressive, Active and Creative English)



 By the way, let's show our smiles ...


 Okay ... let's smile again now and have our picture taken ... yeah ... yeah 



 SPACE instructors: Wella (leftmost), Tia, Nana, Mutiara (rightmost. blackish dress), and Bona (sitting)

