
June 2016 Defenders

Wed, 15 Jun 2016

As scheduled, 12 students of the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta sat for their viva voce or oral exam/defense on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 1, 2016. Ten out of 12 successful examinees for the June period are required to submit their revised final papers/theses 30 days after the exam day at the latest (a 30-day revision period maximum). What should an examinee normally revise or fix? The rationale of the study, flow of arguments, study methods, concord or agreement between subjects and verbs, prepositions, referencing styles, spelling, and finite verbs are some examples.

These are the 10 examinees:


ID Number


1. 121214010 Anastasia Nelladia Cendra
2. 121214008 Maria Alina Putri Rejeki
3. 121214004 Servinus Yanse
4. 121214049 Anchieta Ave Avillanova


Valentinus Doni Wicaksono

6. 121214154

Aloysia Berlindis Lasar

7. 121214163

Natalia Desi Rahmawati

8. 121214066 Agata Nina Puspita
9. 121214053 Carolina Karisa Purnomo
10. 121214155 Patricia Vania Septhine Y. A.

