
Benchmark to Malang State Uni

Tue, 03 May 2016

As a part of their work program, PROCESS (Progressive English Society) 2016 visited Malang State University on April 18, 2016. The main purpose of this benchmarking program was to share ideas, share information, and to create network.

 The students were accompanied by Ibu Truly Almendo Pasaribu, M.A., who also happened to be one of the alumni of the English Letters in Malang State University. They were greeted by Bapak Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo the Head of the Language and Arts Department, and the members of HMJ (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan) from the English Letters.

Ibu Truly Almendo Pasaribu, M.A. is conversing with Bapak Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, the Head of the Language and Arts Department, Malang State University.

HMPS PBI members are conversing with Emma, a member of HMJ English Letters of Malang State University.

Members of HMJ English Letters of Malang State University are sharing their programs to HMPS PBI members.

HMPS PBI Sanata Dharma University are sharing their programs to HMJ English Letters of Malang State University.

Intense and fruitful discussions begin!

A short visit to Malang State University’s English Self-Access Center.

A group photo before saying good bye. Thank you Malang State University!

