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The peak of activities for the 27th Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology, Sanata Dharma University will be held on Thursday, 26 October 2023 at 09.00 WIB, with the theme "Bertumbuh menjadi Suluh". The peak event for the 27th Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology, Sanata Dharma University was held in the Drost Room on the 4th floor of the Sanata Dharma University Central Building and was attended by all levels of the rectorate, dean psychology faculty along with deans of other faculties, lecturer faculty of Psychology, partner cooperation, outstanding students, master's students, and student representatives from student organizations in the faculty psychology.
The event began with an opening by the MC and continued with prayers led by Sr. Andrea Sianggaran, OSF. After that, the audience sang the song Indonesia Raya and Driyarkara Hymns together. After that the event continued with a speech by the chairman of the committee, Mrs. Sylvia CM Yuniati Murtisari, M.Si.He explained regarding this year's Dies Natalis theme, which means that the Faculty of Psychology, Sanata Dharma University, which has entered its 27th year, is not only growing, but also developing to produce successful individuals in the field of psychology. In its 27th year, the Faculty of Psychology at Sanata Dharma University is also starting to realize its dreams by opening a Masters in Psychology program.Through this theme expected all Psychology residents at Sanata Dharma University can remember the journey of the Faculty of Psychology at Sanata Dharma University from birth until now. The remarks closed with a brief review of the series of events for the 27th Anniversary that have taken place and that will be in the future.
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Mrs. Sylvia explained some series of activities for the 27th Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology, Sanata Dharma University, starting with Misa and Opening of the Anniversary on May, 2nd 2023, followed by the International Conference: The 2023 International of Psychology and Social Transformation, then the series of activities continued with the U Grow Workshop with the theme "Discover The Treasure Inside Yourself". The final series of Dies Natalis, namely National Seminar with the theme "Menjadi Manusia yang Berkesadaran di Era Digital"which will be held on Friday, 3rd November 2023 in the Koendjono Room, Campus II, Sanata Dharma University.
Activity furthermore namely welcome by the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Sanata Dharma University, Dr. YB Cahya Widiyanto, M.Sc. The welcome began with thanks to all invited guests and partners cooperation faculty who were willing to attend this event. In his speech, he also reviewed the theme of this year's Anniversary and hoped that we would be optimistic to face everything that happens and become clear so that we can understand our true selves and our purpose in life in the we can be a light to others.
Pada kesempatan ini, Prof. Ir. Sudi Mungkasi, Ph.D. selaku Wakil Rektor I  juga menyampaikan sepatah dua patah kata sambutan. Beliau menyampaikan bahwa dengan menjadi suluh akan bisa menjadi penerang sehingga dapat menampakan hal yang sebelumnya tidak kelihatan akan menjadi terlihat. Hal ini merupakan makna dari pelayanan, khususnya pelayanan yang dilakukan oleh Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Sanata Dharma akan semakin tampak. Beliau juga mengaitkan tema Dies Natalis Fakultas Psikologi ke-27 yakni “Bertumbuh Menjadi Suluh” dengan tema Rencana Strategis Universitas Sanata Dharma yaitu “Bertumbuh, Berkreasi dan Peduli” dan menyoroti komponen pertumbuhan sebagai upaya untuk berbaikan, berkelanjutan, dan berkreasi serta peduli khususnya dalam ruang lingkup fakultas agar masyarakat dalam Fakultas Psikologi bisa memberi manfaat yang baik bagi diri sendiri maupun orang lain.
On this occasion, Prof. Ir. Sudi Mungkasi, Deputy Chancellor I also delivered a few words of welcome. He said that by becoming a torch you will be able to become a lights  that it can appear the thing that Previously it didn't look like it would become visible. This is the meaning of service, especially the services provided by the Faculty of Psychology, Sanata Dharma University will become increasingly visible. He also linked the theme of the 27th Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology, namely "Bertumbuh menjadi Suluh" with the theme Sanata Dharma University Strategic Plan namely "Bertumbuh, Berkreasi dan Peduli" and highlighting the growth component as an effort to improve, be sustainable, be creative and care, especially within the scope of the faculty so that the community in the Faculty of Psychology can provide good benefits for themselves and others.

The next series of activities is the appearance of UKF Musicology Which performed nostalgic themed songs, such as Pemuda-HIVI!, Rumah Kita-God Bless, and Sewu Kuto-Didi Kempot. After performing three songs the, UKF Musicology provides an opportunity for attendees who want to sing together. Two persons Invited guests who are Masters Students from the Faculty of Psychology also contributed their voices by singing the song Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley.


The event continued with a scientific oration delivered by Mr. Y. Agung Santoso, Ph.D. entitled “Aplikasi Psikometri yang Berkesadaran dan Metodologi Kuantitatif yang Kritis”. In his oration, he discussed several issues in psychometric, one of which was the Item Response Model which was too general to be understood without having to study psychology. In the Item Response Model, no cognitive psychology research results are used to explain how a person responds to a stimulus and what happens in it. He also conveyed several reasons why Positivism needed to be abandoned. He also said that there are opportunities for psychometric to become a critical methodology, one of which is that psychometric is value-laden and not value-free. He also conveyed several things that psychometric needs to do to become a critical methodology, the 6 basic principles of quancrit, and the direction for the development of critical methodology which he also conveyed in his scientific oration.
The next series of events that is followed by Submission of cooperation agreement between Partner with a professional psychology program in the context of opening the professional psychology program led by Mrs. Dr. Agnes Indar Etikawati, M.Si., Psychologist and Mrs. Olga Sancaya Diah Permatasari, S.Psi., M.Si., M.Psi., Psychologist. Faculty partners who collaborate with the Faculty of Psychology, Sanata Dharma University are the Sleman District Health Service, RSJ Grhasia DIY, the DIY Province Women's Empowerment Service, Child Protection and Population Control (DP3AP2), DIY Province BKKBN, Indonesian Dream House Foundation, Yogyakarta BOPKRI Foundation, Hotel Royal Ambarukmo, Kanisius Foundation Yogyakarta branch, and Panti Rapih Hospital. There are also old partners who are still working together, namely CD Bethesda and RRI Pro 2.There are six (6 )partner Which has arrived at the Cooperation Agreement approval process. Submission of PKS manuscript and souvenir by the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Sanata Dharma University, Dr. YB Cahya Widiyanto, M.Si.

The event continues right with a contemporary dance performance from UKF Androghini and the presentation of an award certificate by Dr. YB Cahya Widiyanto, M.Si as Dean of the Faculty of Psychology to students/i Which achievement from the Faculty of Psychology, Sanata Dharma University. The series of peak events for the 27th Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology, Sanata Dharma University ended with the singing of the Sanata Dharma Hymns, a closing prayer led by San Francisco Pr. Then close with group photo session and hospitality(eating together).

Ria, Maya , April and Chika
