
Team Building I BEMF Psikologi 2023

Interchanges of knowledge do not happen only inside formal classes, it also happens at any place, at any time, during meeting and interacting with others. Knowledge is not limited only to calculations or memorisation, but it is also everything outside the boundaries of any particular set of descriptions or concepts. Communication, teamwork, adaptation, and problem solving are a few of many important parts of knowledge that play a central role in our daily lives as social entities. 

Recognizing the importance of this knowledge, the division of organization in the faculty of psychology’s student executive board held a team exercise program, called Team Building I BEMF Psikologi 2023. Setting the theme of “Dream Works, Dream Team, Dream Performance”, this program aims to build a stronger bond for the 40 members within the organization. The program was led by one ms. Sintami, a psychology alumni of Sanata Dharma University. An interestingly constructed exercise serves as the beginning of this program. Which asked each member to write on two opposite walls, called the “wall of hope” and “wall of fear”. In both opposing walls, the members are asked to convey their hopes regarding their future experience inside the organization on the wall of hope, while also conveying their fears regarding the experience within the organization on the wall of fears. These walls, filled with the hopes and fears of each member are intended to promote transparency and deeper understanding of each other. This in turn hopes to help each member to perform their duties and responsibilities better.

The team building program then proceeded to do a wide array of games intended to practice soft skills, such as communications, adaptation, problem solving, team work, and collaboration. It is in high hopes that this program could increase the teamwork, creativity, and innovation of each member to further build a better faculty of psychology in Sanata Dharma University. 

Aloysius Hugo Bulan 