
Evening of Farewell Prospective Graduates of the Faculty of Psychology March 2023

On Friday, March 17 2023, an event was held to Release Candidates for the Faculty of Psychology Graduation with the theme "The Will to Change" in the Drost Room, 4th Floor, Main Building, University of Sanata Dharma Paingan. The number of prospective graduates from the Faculty of Psychology who will officially graduate and hold a Bachelor of Psychology (S,Psi) degree is 44 people.

This activity was guided by Chrisna Bagas and Agata Hancitta as the Master of Ceremony (MC). The series of events was started by the MC by singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya and Sanata Dharma Hymn, opening prayer by Marta Ajeng Listya Kirana, then continued with a speech from the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Dr. Yohannes Babtista Cahya Widiyanto M.Sc. In his speech, he conveyed that we should not feel smart, however still have to always learn to open up opportunities to deepen awareness. Awareness will open up more progressive experiences so as to be able to open opportunities to always enter into a deeper understanding of reality. Therefore, he invites us to continue to make changes in the way we speak, act and think so that we become better so that we have the ability to be friends with this universe.

Furthermore, the session of presenting mementos from the Thesis Supervisor (DPS) to prospective graduates of the Faculty of Psychology and delivering a few words from student representatives, Febriani Sisca Manurung S.Psi as the best graduate of the Faculty of Psychology 2023. Febri thanked various parties who supported him so that he was able to get to this point. Then, he also said that the thing that doesn't change is our will to change so that there must be things that come and things that go in the journey of life as challenges. Then, the event was interspersed with games where attendees had the opportunity to win door prizes if they successfully answered questions from the MC.

The next activity is the delivery of a word or two from the representative of student parents, Dr. Ns. Henrick S., S. Kep., M. Kes. He expressed his gratitude to the lecturers of the Faculty of Psychology who have helped educate seriously so that it is hoped that in the blood of the graduates/graduates can flow the knowledge of psychology that binds us as brothers and sisters so that wherever and whenever we still have to be compact and move forward together as one family. Next, the audience was presented with performances from Androgyny and Happy Psychology. The event was closed with a closing prayer and meal by Petrus Mujiyana.  Proficiat greetings for graduates who successfully completed their studies at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Sanata Dharma, as well as a joint and friendly meal accompanied by music from Musicology. The entire series of releases for the graduates of the Faculty of Psychology in March 2023 have been broadcast live and can be watched via the following (Vannessa)