
Opening of the 27th Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology, Sanata Dharma University

bu sylvi
On Friday, 02 May 2023, the Faculty of Psychology Sanata Dharma celebrated the opening of the 27th Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology Sanata Dharma with the theme "Bertumbuh Menjadi Suluh". The event was held in the Drost Room, 4th Floor, Central Building, Sanata Dharma University. The opening ceremony of the Dies Natalis began with a mass celebration led by Fr. Benedictus Hari Juliawan SJ and Fr. Ernest Justin, SJ, as a form of gratitude for the opening of the Anniversary as well as the official opening of the Sanata Dharma Masters of Science in Psychology program.

The opening ceremony of the Dies Natalis was hosted by the MC who warmly greeted all attendees. Then, the evenOpening of the 27th Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology, Sanata Dharma University t continued with remarks from Ms. Sylvia CM Yuniati, M.Si the head of the 27th Anniversary committee who said that the theme “Bertumbuh Menjadi Suluh” holds the meaning that the older you get, the more useful you are for others. He also added that in particular, the Faculty of Psychology would realize this theme by opening a Masters of Psychology Study Program which is expected to provide impactful benefits to the community. The audience then was warmly greeted with remarks from Mr. YB Cahya Widiyanto, M.Si. the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, who in his speech said that we always have the choice to continue to grow and mature in the midst of all the crises that occur. As psychological beings who understand invisible processes that occur within ourselves and the environment, it is a healthy decision if we want to use every opportunity, dynamic, and experience to deepen our understanding of ourselves, others, and this world so that we can prepare our inner qualities in order to courageously become a torch, to contribute in a positive manner for the benefits of our society. The speech then  by Fr. Albertus Bagus Laksana, SJ, SS, Ph.D., as Rector of Sanata Dharma University, where he said that one of the important goals for the Psychology Masters program, especially with a critical psychology approach is to re-focus not only on personal and interpersonal well-being, but to also take consideration of the importance of social transformation.

romo dan pak cahyo
After listening to the speeches, we entered the main event, namely the inauguration of the Psychology Masters Study Program which was symbolized by cutting the “tumpeng” represented by Fr. Albertus Bagus Laksana, SJ, SS, Ph.D. and YB Cahya Widiyanto, M.Si. "Hopefully this tumpeng will grow into a great blessing and be shared as illuminating torches to many people, communities, and young people" said Fr. Albertus Bagus Laksana, SJ, SS, Ph.D while cutting the tumpeng. Furthermore, remarks were also made from the Head of the Masters of Psychology Masters Study Program, Dr. Tjipto Susana. that said that with the Psychology Masters Study Program, it is hoped that students did not only have a good understanding of psychological theories, but they would also be able to develop skills needed to perform needs analysis, conduct assessments, and be able to integrate all theories and knowledge learned in a contextual manner. This statement meant that, it is hoped for every student to be able to implement every psychological theories that were constructed in the Western culture society, and apply it dynamically by taking into account the many rich differences of Eastern culture. The MC closed the event and ended with a social gathering to celebrate the 27th Anniversary with all the attendees. 


( vanessa , hugo )
