
Photovoice Activity Training

Training for Photovoice Activities is an activity organized by the Faculty of Psychology for students of the Faculty of Psychology to equip participants to be able to tell stories or express an idea using photo media. The activity was held on Sunday, September 18, 2022, at the Lab. Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Sanata Dharma University from 11.00 until 16.00 WIB.

The activity started with simple games from the MC to make the situation fresher. In addition to games, the training was also enlivened by the presentation of songs by the participants.

The delivery of training materials was given by Mr. Albertus Harimurti S.Psi., M. Hum. and Mr.
Robertus Landung E. P., M. Psi.

After the training is complete, participants will be invited to be involved in the Photovoice project in the framework of the 26th Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology, which is to express through photo media about irony and contradictions and experience the human world in Yogyakarta from September to October 2022.

(Muji, Sephia dan Tara)