Sastra Inggris

Universitas Sanata Dharma
Terakreditasi A Nomor 7345/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/XI/2020
Student Activities

ELAC (English Letters Academic Club)

English Letters Academic Club (ELAC) is a place for Sanata Dharma English Literature students who desire to share their knowledge. The one-step-ahead concept is used in our learning. We explore the course before it is delivered in class by the lecturers. It aims to provide more preparation and insight for ELAC members. ELAC was formed because many English Literature students of Sanata Dharma were eager to learn more about the subjects. ELAC's activities are carried out through regular zoom meetings which are held once or twice a week. In this regular meeting, we usually discuss material that has been published by the committee on ELAC's Instagram. In addition, we also use quizzes as a kind of learning assessment.
Let’s join the club and be the better version of ourselves!

Written by Jessica Irawan/204214121

Instagram: @elac.usd
