Sastra Inggris

Universitas Sanata Dharma
Terakreditasi A Nomor 7345/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/XI/2020
Student Activities

EDS (English Debating Society)

English Debating Society is one of the organizations in the English Literature Department interested in critical thinking and debating. It was formed in 2011, initiated by Santa Dharma students. We are combining public speaking and critical thinking skills. We are here to create a safe space for critical speakers in Sanata Dharma University to deliver their opinions, eventually leading us to great discussions. EDS Sanata Dharma's goals are as follows: (1) facilitating Sanata Dharma students in developing a competitive spirit, improving critical thinking skills, public speaking, and expressing opinions within the scope of parliamentary debate, (2) facilitating EDS members to participate in parliamentary debate competitions at regional, national and international levels, and (3) accommodating the aspirations of EDS members.

Written by Natasya Mariana/19142001 & Michaela Darra T/204214169

Instagram: @eds_sadhar
