Sastra Inggris

Universitas Sanata Dharma
Terakreditasi A Nomor 7345/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/XI/2020

BRS and KRS Notes (Fall 2023)

Tanggal-tanggal Penting
Important Dates

Rabu, 16 August 2023
Wednesday, 16 August 2023
10.00 - 12.00 

BRS Klasikal (angkatan 2017-2022)
Academic Advisors and Students' Meeting for Course Registration Guidance (batch 2017-2022)
Jumat, 18 August 2023
Friday, 18 August 2023
08.00 - 15.00 
BRS Online (angkatan 2017-2022)
Students' Online Course Registration (batch 2017-2022)
Selasa, 22 August 2023
Tuesday, 22 August 2023
09.00 - 12.00 
Pengenalan SIA dan BRS online untuk mahasiswa baru 2023
Introduction to Academic Information System and Online Course Registration for new students (batch 2023)

Jumat, 25 August 2023
Friday, 25 August 2023
08.00 - 23.59 
Pengisian KRS mata kuliah lintas prodi
'Interdepartment' courses online registration
Jumat, 8 September 2023
Friday, 8 September 2023
08.00 - 22.00 
Hari terakhir modifikasi KRS
The last day for academic plan/schedule modification 

Tautan pengisian KRS online
Link for Course Online Registration:

  1. Sebelum melakukan pengisian KRS:
    1. Angkatan 2018-2017 mengajukan izin perpanjangan studi ke Dekan Fakultas Sastra, dilengkapi surat keterangan kemajuan penulisan skripsi.
    2. Angkatan 2019 mengajukan izin perpanjangan studi ke Kaprodi Sasing.
    3. Surat permohonan perpanjangan studi dapat diunduh dari web Prodi Sastra Inggris (tautan
  2. Mahasiswa berkonsultasi ONLINE denganDPA sebelum BRS (lihat jadwal BRS klasikal).
  3. Mahasiswa yang membutuhkan tambahan kuota SKS dimohon memberitahu DPA
  4. Sekretariat Prodi akan menyiapkan paket KRS untuk mahasiswa angkatan 2020-2023. Mahasiswa cukup: 
    1. menginput matakuliah yang bukan paket semesternya
    2. menginput matakuliah pilihan 
    3. menghapus matakuliah yang tidak diambil 
  5. Angkatan 2020: mohon dipastikan mengambil matakuliah Research Seminar dan Preliminary Thesis sesuai dengan bidang kajian skripsinya (LIT-LANG-TRANS).Mahasiswa yang mengambil Preliminary Thesis diminta mengajukan Dosen Pembimbing melalui tautan ini. 
  6. Mahasiswa diijinkan mengambil lebih dari 1 (satu) matakuliah lintas prodi (LINPRO).
  7. Mahasiswa yang lolos program MBKM dimohon menemui Ketua Program Studi untuk mendiskusikan konversi SKS mata kuliah. 
  8. Apabila kapasitas kelas mata kuliah Program Studi penuh, mahasiswa mengisi waiting list pada tautan (dibuka pada hari BRS Online, mulai pukul 13.00) 
  9. Modifikasi KRS Sasing hanya berupa pembatalan matakuliah. Modifikasi paling lambat dilakukan pada hari Jumat, 8 September 2023 melalui tautan (link akan dibuka mulai tanggal 28 Agustus 2023 pukul 08.00 sampai tanggal 8 September pukul 22.00)


  1. Before completing course registration (KRS):
    1. The 2018-2017 batch needs to request an extension of study permission from the Dean of the Faculty of Literature, along with a progress report on thesis writing.
    2. The 2019 batch needs to request an extension of study permission from the Head of the English Literature Study Program.
    3. The extension of study request letter can be downloaded from the English Literature Study Program website (link).
  2. Students should consult with their Academic Advisor online before the Study Plan (BRS) (please refer to the classical BRS schedule).
  3. Students who need additional credit quota (SKS) should contact and inform their Academic Advisors.
  4. The Study Program Secretariat will prepare the KRS package for the 2020-2023 batch. Students only need to:
    1. Input courses that are not part of their package for the semester.
    2. Input elective courses.
    3. Remove courses that are not being taken.
  5. The 2020 batch should ensure to take the Research Seminar and Preliminary Thesis courses according to the focus of your thesis (LIT-LANG-TRANS). Students taking the Preliminary Thesis are requested to propose the topic and the thesis advisors via this link.
  6. Students are allowed to take more than 1 (one) inter-department course (LINPRO).
  7. Students who take part in the MBKM programs are requested to meet with the Head of the Study Program to discuss course credit conversions.
  8. If the class capacity for a course is full, students should join the waiting list at this link (open on Online BRS day, starting from 13:00).
  9. Modification to the Sasing KRS is only for course cancellations. Modifications should be done by Friday, September 8, 2023, at the latest, via this link (the link will be open from August 28, 2023, at 08:00, until September 8 at 22:00).
