The Sixth Studium Generale of Master's Programs

The Masters of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (PBI, PBSI, PMAT) Sanata Dharma University (USD) held an annual event known as Studium Generale in 2021. This activity was carried out online through Zoom Meeting, and broadcast live on the MPBI USD Youtube channel on Friday 27 August 2021. The webinar entitled ''The Role and Contribution of Alumni of the Masters Study Program FKIP USD'' was filled by the keynote speaker, namely Dr. V. Luluk Prijambodo, M.Pd. and 3 alumni of the Masters of FKIP USD, namely Romo Kanisius Kami, a lecturer at STKIP Waetabula, Sumba, who graduated from MPBSI; Maria Anjelina Irawati Ule, M.Pd, a civil servant at PAUD DIKMAS, SPNF SKB Ngada, NTT graduated from MPMAT; and Nelladia Cendra, S.Pd., M.Pd., a lecturer at UNIKA Widyamandala Surabaya, graduated from MPBI. The event was moderated by Concilianus Laos Mbato, M.A., Ed.D. and Kuswandono, Ph.D. This webinar aimed to reveal the role and contribution of alumni of FKIP Masters Study Programs in recognizing the potential for curriculum development of FKIP Masters Study Programs.
The series of webinar events were opened with a prayer by Brother Yulius Nahak as one of the MCs and MPBI student. Then the event continued with remarks by Ouda Teda Ena, Ed.D. as Vice Rector IV USD who stated that approximately 40,000 alumni of FKIP Sanata Dharma had spread across all regions in Indonesia. He revealed that "the quality of our university is judged by the contribution and role of alumni". He added “The true measure of our university lies on what our students become”. Finally, he said that this Webinar is expected to be able to make students aware that after graduating from college they are called to advance the education system in Indonesia.
Keynote speaker Dr. V. Luluk Prijambodo, M.Pd. explained the topic of the role of alumni and their contribution to the university/study program. One of the university's reputations is seen from the performance of the alumni. This helps strengthen and expand the reputation and advancement of the institution. The relationship between the alma mater and alumni is essential. One of the advantages of alumni relations with study programs is to become partners in student internship programs. He revealed that "The relationship between alumni and alma mater is factually a synergy, take and give". The role of alumni is to help disseminate information related to the university and also to be a role model by having a good reputation in the community. In the end of his presentation, he said "let's strengthen the relationship between alumni and alma mater to grow and advance together"
The event was continued with the sharing of 3 alumni of the Masters of FKIP. The first is Romo Kanisius Kami. As an alumnus of the 2nd generation of MPBSI, he shared his experiences while studying at Sanata Dharma University. He conveyed several guidelines as a student, namely being diligent, working hard, and always being optimistic in achieving his goals to serve the community. Finally, he said, "As alumni, we must maintain the reputation of the institution where we are processing". The second was Maria Anjelina Irawati Ule, M.Pd. an alumnus of the MPMAT Masters. She told of her experience being a student of Sanata Dharma and getting a scholarship from the university. He revealed that "In the course of my studies I learned a lot about the ability to discuss, create projects and publications, it helps a lot for my current job". She also said that FKIP master's graduates do not have to be lecturers/teachers, but can be career mentors and work in the field of non-formal education. The last is Nelladia Cendra, S.Pd., M.Pd., a second batch of MPBI alumni. She described issue related to 'MPBI effects', there are 3 effects, namely: Education. MPBI helps students in learning to produce books, cultivate LMS and design a curriculum; Research, research skills are very helpful in today's world of work; and the last is devotion, by devoting ourselves to society, we can be useful to others.
