Sastra Inggris

Universitas Sanata Dharma
Terakreditasi A Nomor 7345/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/XI/2020

Tlogowareng Teaching Project 2019

This project has been organized since November 2018, during which recruits underwent an orientation period and were given debriefing in teaching. On February to April 2019 teaching and learning activities are held every Saturday from 10 A.M until 12 P.M at Tlogowareng Elementary School. The subjects taught are English for grade 4 and 5 students of elementary school, while for grade 6 students are taught subjects included in the National Examination such as mathematics, Indonesian, and Science. This project will be ended with an assessment of members in May.



The project has two ultimate goals in mind: The first is to give Sanata Dharma students who participate in this project in becoming educators, both professional and non-professional, in the future. The second one is to improve the academic achievements of Tlogowareng Elementary School. This project is held at Tlogowareng Elementary School, Wonosari Gunungkidul, a remote village south of Yogyakarta.  The project is expected to assist the students there to perform better in the academic field. Thus, they hope this project could improve their education to the next level using the knowledge they have. (Dyas Putri)






