
A talk show : "The Role of Psychology in Community-Based Mental Health for Psychosocial Disabilities"

On Saturday, 22 October 2022, at Drost Main Building, Sanata Dharma University Campus III, a talk show was held with the theme "The Role of Psychology in Community-Based Mental Health for Psychosocial Disabilities". This talk show was presented by Siam Hanifah, S.Psi. Psikolog as the psychologist from the Godean Health Center and speakers from the YAKKUM Rehabilitation Center, namely, Veny Septiana, S.Psi (Head of Training Unit Section), Desty E. Nurmalasari, S.Pd (Psychosocial Disability Assistance), Angga A. Praptantya, S.Psi (Project Monitoring Evaluation of Community Based Mental Health Program). This talkshow was also attended by Febriana N. Rosita, M.Psi, Psikolog as the moderator of the event.

This talk show was marked open by an opening speech from the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Sanata Dharma, Dr. Yohannes Babtista Cahya Widiyanto M.Si. This speech refreshed the students's memories of Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory related to talk show material. In the talk show it was explained that humans are determined by many layers, there are microsystems, mesosystems, ecosystems, and macrosystems. On one side we are individuals, but on the other side we are also an environment for others.

Individuals with psychosocial disabilities sometimes experience problems alongside many difficulties in their environment. Because we are generally taught to only see what is visible to our eyes. Appearance will determine the perceptions and stereotypes in society which will determine how the society interacts with individuals who have psychosocial disabilities. For those of us who do not have psychosocial disabilities, we should be careful in responding to stereotypes, gate-keeping information, and minimize on judging others based on their appearance. As a part of the environment, if we can not help other people to be happy, do not become a burden or trouble by hurting others.

Vannessa, Tara , Anna & Sefia