
Opening of the XXVI Psychology Faculty Anniversary: ​​Together, Artwork, and Growing

        The event started with a Mass of gratitude led by Father Ernest as an expression of gratitude for the work of the Faculty of Psychology for the last 2 decades. The Mass was also accompanied by beautiful songs with melodious voices from the Psychology Faculty choir, “Angel Voice”. The Mass of Gratitude went solemnly until it was finished. The reflection brought by Father Ernest to all the people present emphasized the "distraction" in which we must be able to ignore all things that are not important and interfere with our main focus. In addition, people are also invited to be more responsible with the tasks that must be done or done.
       After the Mass of Gratitude was over, the event continued with a speech from Mr. Cahyo as the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta. In his remarks, Mr. Cahyo invited all audience to be a part and take part in the celebration of the XXVI Psychology Faculty anniversary until the end of event. In addition, Mr. Cahyo also emphasized several things that he quoted from Misa's reflection that the audience must be able to be brave witnesses to proclaim the truth to others. Furthermore, Mr. Cahyo also invited the entire family of the Psychology Faculty to become a family that gives each other. As a symbol to open the entire series of events to be held in the framework of the Anniversary Faculty Psychology, Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta, he rang the gong three times. So the Anniversary of the Faculty Psychology, Sanata Dharma University has officially opened.
       The next event is the awarding or retirement to one of the lecturers of the Faculty of Psychology, Dr. Tarsisius Priyo Widiyanto M.Si. who has served and worked for 39 years at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta. The event was also opened with a video showing a short journey during Mr. Priyo's work and dynamics at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta. After finishing playing the video, the MC who led the event then invited Mr. Cahyo to give one word as a message or impression to Mr. Priyo. Furthermore, Mr. Priyo and his wife were invited to receive an expression of gratitude for Mr. Priyo's services, efforts, and dedication while at the Faculty of Psychology, Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta in a form of a caricature picture that has been framed neatly. Mr. Cahyo, as the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, gave the caricature to Mr. Priyo. Furthermore, Mr. Priyo was also given the opportunity to convey messages and impressions. On that occasion, Mr. Priyo said that Mr. Priyo would enter his retirement period with a sense of happiness. The analogy is like "a new forest and of course there will be very beautiful orchids in it". Not only that, Pak Priyo also expressed his gratitude to his colleagues who had always been together. To all students and alumni, Mr. Priyo also expressed his gratitude for having learned many new lessons and experiences that allowed him to experience the lifestyle of today's youth. After  Mr. Priyo gave a few words, the MC then directed all the lecturers of the Faculty of Psychology who were present to take pictures with Pak Priyo. 
      The next event was the socialization of the Anniversary Series which was delivered by Ms. Sita. The socialization began with the dissemination of the background of the theme that was carried out with the togetherness of the Faculty of Psychology in working and growing each other. Ms. Sita said that this Anniversary event starts today (Saturday, June 4, 2022) and will end in October. The entire series of events has been arranged by the committee consisting of 7 series, including the Opening Mass for the Anniversary, Alumni Visits to Campus, Environmental Psychoeducation, Perpetuating the Abandoned, Thesis Writing Workshop, Far in the Eyes Close to the Heart and finally the highlight of the 26th Anniversary Event .
     After the socialization of the series of events was completed, the MC invited all audience who were present at the opening anniversary of the Faculty Psychology to take pictures together. Furthermore, all audience who were present at the opening anniversary of the Faculty Psychology were directed to eat lunch that had been provided by the event committee.
