
PBI implementing Hybrid Learning

Mon, 07 Feb 2022

It has been a long and fun holiday. However, let’s keep the good holiday memories in a memory box, it’s time to meet our lecturers and friends again. This time, PBI is doing hybrid learning for the first time. Then it’s time to switch your laptop to a book for note-taking for those who choose offline learning.

This is the hybrid learning class condition. Technically, the lecturers provide 2 different gadgets for teaching. One gadget is used for presenting themselves, while the other one is used for showing the class condition.

One of our lecturers, Ms Mega nose up the term ‘Zoomers’ and ‘Roomers’ in this hybrid learning. ‘Zoomers’ is for those who are joining the class via Zoom meetings and ‘Roomers’ is or those who are present in her class.

Here are some comments from our lecturers and friends on this hybrid learning.

“I feel so excited to start this semester because I get to see new faces. However, there are some signal problem caused by the wifi. Actually I prefer offline learning but due to the condition, we must do this hybrid learning.” – Mr. Markus Budiraharjo

“I have to attend the class in campus so I need to wake up earlier, prepare an outfit, and manage my time well because I’m going all the way long from Klaten to Jogja. But overall, I’m happy I get to meet and laugh with my friends.” – Dea Putri Prastia
