
Upward Mobility #3

Sun, 01 Aug 2021

Walking with the excluded, Teaching in Remote Areas

Remote areas are longing for new touch in education, so they are opened to generosity. In the last Upward Mobility series, Pak Sas and Pak Dedi happily shared the positive vibes of educating youth people in remote areas.

Dionisius Sasmoyo H

Pak Sas emphasized the worth of teaching in remote areas. He has been exploring various Indonesian's island, particulary Sumatra and Eastern Indonesia. Despite the difficult access for electricity, transportation, and education, Pak Sas had strong motivation to expand his service as a teacher. It was such a great experience, high satisfaction, and an inspiring journey to get new perspective when educating youth in excluded areas.

Dedi Lolan Solot

Pak Dedi's occupation as teacher in Mappi was in purpose of making a better education quality. His presence in Eastern Indonesia were welcomed by citizens there. He was in charge of teaching elementary school pupils and at the same time maintained people's trust to new teachers. As a teacher, he believed reading habit could open a new world for children. 

You can watch the full webinar here
