Universitas Sanata Dharma

Program Pasca Sarjana



Welcoming New Students of 2019
S2 Kajian Bahasa Inggris | 09 September 2019
Welcoming New Students of 2019 :: Fakultas Pasca Sarjana USD Yogyakarta

August 19th is the day of welcoming new students of English Language Studies. Eighteen students who passed the tests conducted by ELS,  begun their orientation in the library in where they were introduced and explained about the system in the library. Afterwards, they were led to a class in Graduate School to have a session with the lecturers of ELS. It was started with a speech from the director of Graduate Program, Fr. Budi Subanar, S.J who explained things related to the Graduate Program that is in Buku Peraturan Akademik Pasca. Then, it was continued by the speech of Paulus Sarwoto, Ph.D. , the Head of ELS who introduced the students to the other lecturers of ELS. After that, they were invited to have a campus tour before the photo session with all the lecturers. It was the first day of the week before beginning their first lecture as the ELS students.

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