Universitas Sanata Dharma

Program Pasca Sarjana



Field Trip to Bandung
S2 Kajian Bahasa Inggris | 09 September 2019
Field Trip to Bandung :: Fakultas Pasca Sarjana USD Yogyakarta

December 9-12th 2018, 27 participants including the lecturers and students of English Language Studies of Sanata Dharma University held a study tour to Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Padjajaran University, Bandung. This program which is held once in two years , began with strolling around Floating Market Lembang that allowed the students and lectures to build a strong bond since they had more time to have small talks and sharing. The visit began with the welcome greetings and introduction from the lecturers of both universities. Then, the participants were presented with presentations to introduce each faculties. Afterwards, the most interesting part was the sharing session since the lecturers and students of both universities got to know each other and took parts in the discussion to share about the courses, the faculty systems, journal publications, and campus marketing. As time went by, the discussion shifted with a more fun discussion about random things which broke the room into laughter. It really was a day to remember. After the campus tour, they visited some tourism centers such as Sate and Asia Africa Building. The trip ended in a shop for buying souvenirs. Those short days have left memorable memories to be kept in mind. Below are pictures showing ELS study tour 2018.

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