Magister Manajemen

Fakultas Ekonomi - Universitas Sanata Dharma



Podcast on Magister Management in International Tourism
20 July 2023

Welcome to the podcast of the Center for Research and Development on Tourism of Sanata Dharma University! In this episode, we will be diving into the exciting world of the post-graduate program in International Tourism, which is offered as part of the esteemed Master of Management Program at Sanata Dharma University. Our resource person for this discussion is none other than Prof. James Spillane, a distinguished expert in the field of international tourism.

Sanata Dharma University has long been recognized for its commitment to excellence in education and research, and its Master of Management Program in International Tourism is no exception. As tourism continues to play an increasingly vital role in the global economy, it becomes essential to equip future leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of this ever-evolving industry.

Throughout this podcast, Prof. James Spillane will shed light on the key aspects of the program, providing valuable insights into the curriculum, unique opportunities for practical experience, and the cutting-edge research being conducted by the Center for Research and Development on Tourism. We'll also explore how this program prepares students for leadership roles in various sectors of the international tourism industry.

If you're passionate about travel, culture, and making a positive impact on destinations worldwide, then this podcast is a must-listen. Whether you're a prospective student interested in the program or an industry professional seeking to stay updated on the latest trends, you're sure to gain valuable knowledge from Prof. James Spillane's expertise and experiences.

The link of the podcast is:

The link of the Master of Management Program of Sanata Dharma University is: click here

The link to enroll to the Master of Management Program: click here
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