Sudi Mungkasi. (2009).
"Experiments on Gram-Schmidt Process and Gram-Schmidt Process with Reorthogonalisation"
Vol. 12, No. 2, Juli Nomor: 1410-5888. SIGMA Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Sudi Mungkasi. (2009).
"Suatu kajian analitis pada system persamaan air dangkal"
Vol. 5, No. 2, Desember Nomor: 1978-4538. Jurnal Pythagoras (Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2010).
"Barisan Fibonacci, Golden Ratio, dan Penerapannya"
Vol. 9, No. 2, September Nomor: 0216-583X. Jurnal MIPA (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan), Universitas Nusa Cendana
Sudi Mungkasi. (2010).
"On the best quantity reconstructions for a well balanced finite volume method used to solve the shallow water wave equations with a wet/dry interface"
Vol. 51, No. EMAC2009, Maret Nomor: 1446-8735. ANZIAM Journal
Sudi Mungkasi. (2011).
"A new analytical solution for testing debris avalanche numerical models"
Vol. 52, CTAC2010, Juli Nomor: 1446-8735. ANZIAM Journal
Sudi Mungkasi. (2011).
"An Alternative Derivation of the Shallow Water Equations"
Vol. 03, No. 01, Januari Nomor: 2087-5126. Bulletin of Mathematics
Sudi Mungkasi. (2011).
"An analytical solution to the problem of planar oscillation of water in a parabolic canal"
Vol. 03, No. 02, Juli Nomor: 2087-5126. Bulletin of Mathematics
Sudi Mungkasi. (2011).
"Metode volume hingga untuk menyelesaikan masalah bendungan-bobol"
Vol. 11, No. 1, Januari Nomor: 1412-1220. Jurnal MatStat (Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika Statistika)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2011).
"Numerical entropy production for shallow water flows"
Vol. 52, No. CTAC2010, April Nomor: 1446-8735. ANZIAM Journal
Sudi Mungkasi. (2012).
"Analytical solutions involving shock waves for testing debris avalanche numerical models"
Vol. 169, No. 10, Oktober Nomor: 0033-4553. Pure and Applied Geophysics
Sudi Mungkasi. (2012).
"ANUGA software for numerical simulations of shallow water flows"
Vol. 5, No. 1, Februari Nomor: 2088-7051. Journal of Computer Science and Information
Sudi Mungkasi. (2012).
"Approximations of the Carrier–Greenspan periodic solution to the shallow water wave equations for flows on a sloping beach"
Vol. 69, No. 4, Juni Nomor: 0271-2091. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"A study of well-balanced finite volume methods and refinement indicators for the shallow water equations"
Vol. 88, No. 2, September Nomor: 0004-9727. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"An analytical approach for investigating the uncertainty in design of objective functions in the IHACRES rainfall run-off model"
Vol. 3, No. 2, Desember Nomor: 2088-687X. AdMathEdu (Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Ilmu Matematika dan Matematika Terapan)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"Behaviour of the numerical entropy production of the one-and-a-half-dimensional shallow water equations"
Vol. 54, No. CTAC2012, Mei Nomor: 1446-8735. ANZIAM Journal
Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"Validation of ANUGA hydraulic model using exact solutions to shallow water wave problems"
Vol. 423, No. 1, April Nomor: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"A Boussinesq-type model for waves generated by flow over a bump"
Vol. 8, No. 106, September Nomor: 0893-9659. Applied Mathematical Sciences
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"A staggered grid numerical method for the Navier-Stokes equation"
Vol. 1, No. 2, Juni 2014 Universitas Brawijaya Nomor: 2303-0135. NATURAL-A: Journal of Scientific Modeling and Computation
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"Metode rasional eksplisit untuk masalah nilai awal"
Vol. 5, No. 1, Juni Nomor: 2087-0922. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Pendidikan Sains IX FSM UKSW
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"Order of accuracy of numerical methods for fluid dynamics"
Vol. 9, No. 2, Juni Nomor: 1412-5641. MediaTeknika (Jurnal Teknologi)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"Perambatan gelombang shock akibat hancurnya suatu bendungan lingkar"
Vol. 5, No. 1, Juni Nomor: 2087-0922. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Pendidikan Sains IX FSM UKSW
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"Shock wave propagation of circular dam break problems"
Vol. 539, No. 1, Oktober Nomor: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"The Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy number influences the accuracy of finite volume methods"
Vol. 4, Februari Nomor: 2338-0128. Proceedings of the 4th Annual BASIC Science International Conference (BASIC 2014)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"The Significance of Spatial Reconstruction in Finite Volume Methods for the Shallow Water Equations"
Vol. 8, No. 29, April Nomor: 0893-9659. Applied Mathematical Sciences
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"Weak local residuals as smoothness indicators for the shallow water equations"
Vol. 30, April 2014 Elsevier Nomor: 0893-9659. Applied Mathematics Letters
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"Weak Local Residuals in an Adaptive Finite Volume Method for One-Dimensional Shallow Water Equations"
Vol. 20, No. 1, April Nomor: 2086-8952. Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"A Finite Volume Method for Water Hammer Problems"
QIR, Symposium B, Agustus 2015 Universitas Indonesia Nomor: 1411-1284. Proceeding of the 14th International Conference on QIR (Quality in Research)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"An accurate smoothness indicator for shallow water flows along channels with varying width"
Vol. 771, Juli 2015 Trans Tech Publications Nomor: 1662-7482. Applied Mechanics and Materials
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Fast and Efficient Parallel Computations Using a Cluster of Workstations to Simulate Flood Flows"
Vol. 516, Maret 2015 Springer Nomor: 1865-0929. Communications in Computer and Information Science
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Gelombang monokromatik antarmuka pada dua lapisan fluida"
Vol. 2, No. 1, Januari 2015 Indonesian Mathematical Society Nomor: 2252-5939. IndoMS Journal on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Internal monochromatic wave propagating over two bars"
Vol. 9, No. 90, Agustus 2015 Hikari Ltd. Nomor: 1312-885X (Print), 1314-7552 (Online). Applied Mathematical Sciences
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Numerical entropy production of the one-and-a-half-dimensional shallow water equations with topography"
Vol. 21, No. 1, April 2015 Indonesian Mathematical Society Nomor: 2086-8952. Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Numerical solutions to fast transient pipe flow problems"
Vol. 1123, No.1, Agustus 2015 Trans Tech Publications Nomor: 1662-8985. Advanced Materials Research
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Numerical solutions to unsteady wave problems over porous media"
Vol. 2, No. 1, Januari 2015 Indonesian Mathematical Society Nomor: 2252-5939. IndoMS Journal on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Some advantages of implementing an adaptive moving mesh for the solution to the Burgers equation"
Vol. 78, No. 1, April 2015 IOP Science Nomor: 1757-899X. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Weak Local Residual in Relation to the Accuracy of Numerical Solutions to Conservation Laws"
Vol.10, No.2, Desember 2015 Sanata Dharma University Nomor: 1412-5641. MediaTeknika
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Well-balanced computations of weak local residuals for the shallow water equations"
Vol.56, No.CTAC2014, Desember 2015 Australian Mathematical Society Nomor: 1446-8735. ANZIAM Journal
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"A modified Mohapatra-Chaudhry two-four finite difference scheme for the shallow water equations"
Vol.693, No.1, Maret 2016 IOPscience Nomor: 1742-6596. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"A smoothness indicator for numerical solutions to the Ripa model"
Vol.693, No.1, Maret 2016 IOPscience Nomor: 1742-6596. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"Adaptive Finite Volume Method for the Shallow Water Equations on Triangular Grids"
Vol.2016 Hindawi Nomor: ISSN Print 1687-9120 & ISSN Online 1687-9139. Advances in Mathematical Physics
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"Adomian decomposition method used to solve the shallow water equations"
Vol.1746, June 2016 AIP Publishing Nomor: 0094-243X (print); 1551-7616 (online). AIP Conference Proceedings
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"An adaptive mesh finite volume method for the Euler equations of gas dynamics"
Vol.1737, Juni 2016 AIP Publishing Nomor: 0094-243X (print), 1551-7616 (online). AIP Conference Proceedings
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"Analytical solution of Boussinesq equations as a model of wave generation"
Vol.1707, Februari 2016 AIP Publishing Nomor: 0094-243X (print); 1551-7616 (online). AIP Conference Proceedings
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"Destilasi air energy surya dengan energy recovery menggunakan metode kapilaritas"
Vol. 9, No. 2, Oktober 2016 Universitas Udayana Nomor: ISSN 2302-5255 (print); ISSN 2541-5328 (elektronik). Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"Detecting the Smoothness of Numerical Solutions to the Euler Equations of Gas Dynamics"
Vol.11, No.9, Mei 2016 Asian Research Publishing Network Nomor: 1819-6608. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"Finite volume numerical solvers for non-linear elasticity in heterogeneous media"
Volume 14, Issue 5, November 2016 Begell House Inc. Nomor: ISSN Print: 1543-1649; ISSN Online: 1940-4352. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"Numerical Solution of Waves Generated by Flow Over a Bump"
Volume 100, Issue 10, November 2016 Pushpa Publishing House Nomor: 0972-0871. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"Numerical solution to the linear acoustics equations"
Vol.1746, June 2016 AIP Publishing Nomor: 0094-243X (print); 1551-7616 (online). AIP Conference Proceedings
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"Numerical solution to the shallow water equations using explicit and implicit schemes"
Vol.1746, June 2016 AIP Publishing Nomor: 0094-243X (print); 1551-7616 (online). AIP Conference Proceedings
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"On the relevance of a variational iteration method for solving the shallow water equations"
Vol.1707, February 2016 AIP Publishing Nomor: 0094-243X (print); 1551-7616 (online). AIP Conference Proceedings
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"Parallel computations using a cluster of workstations to simulate elasticity problems"
Vol. 776, No. 1, Desember 2016 IOPscience Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596; Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"Steady flow over an arbitrary obstruction based on the gravity wave equations"
Vol. 776, No. 1, Desember 2016 IOPscience Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596; Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"Structural dynamic modification using matrix perturbation for vibrations without friction"
Vol. 776, No. 1, Desember 2016 IOPscience Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596; Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"Variational iteration method used to solve steady state problems of shallow water flows"
Vol.1746, June 2016 AIP Publishing Nomor: 0094-243X (print); 1551-7616 (online). AIP Conference Proceedings
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"A modified Newton's method used to solve a steady flow problem based on the shallow water equations"
Vol. 1788, No. 1, Januari 2017 American Institute of Physics Nomor: Print ISSN 0094-243X & Online ISSN 1551-7616. AIP Conference Proceedings
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"A simple but accurate explicit finite difference method for the advection-diffusion equation"
Vol. 909, No. 1, November 2017 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596 & Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"A staggered grid finite difference method for solving the elastic wave equations"
Vol. 909, No. 1, November 2017 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596 & Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"A staggered grid finite difference method for solving the gravity wave-model equations"
Vol. 909, No. 1, November 2017 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596 & Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"A staggered grid Jin–Xin relaxation method used to solve the Burgers equation"
Vol. 909, No. 1, November 2017 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596 & Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"Adomian decomposition method for solving the population dynamics model of two species"
Vol. 795, No. 1, Februari 2017 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN 1742-6596; Print ISSN 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"Adomian decomposition method used to solve the gravity wave equations"
Vol. 1788, No. 1, Januari 2017 American Institute of Physics Nomor: Print ISSN 0094-243X & Online ISSN 1551-7616. AIP Conference Proceedings
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"Adomian decomposition method used to solve the one-dimensional acoustic equations"
Vol. 856, No. 1, 02 Juni 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd. Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596; Print ISSN: 1742-6588 . Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"Conservative formulation of unsteady pipe-flow model for water in its liquid form"
Vol. 856, No. 1, 02 Juni 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd. Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596; Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"Finite difference and Runge–Kutta methods for solving vibration problems"
Vol. 909, No. 1, November 2017 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596 & Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"Finite volume numerical solution to a blood flow problem in human artery"
Vol. 795, No. 1, Februari 2017 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596; Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"Jin-Xin relaxation method used to solve the one-dimensional inviscid Burgers equation"
Vol. 856, No. 1, 02 Juni 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd. Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596; Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"Jin–Xin relaxation method for solving a traffic flow problem in one dimension"
Vol. 795, No. 1, Februari 2017 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596; Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"Jin–Xin relaxation solution to the spatially-varying Burgers equation in one dimension"
Vol. 795, No. 1, Februari 2017 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596; Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"Performance of parallel computation using CUDA for solving the one-dimensional elasticity equations"
Vol. 801, No.1, Maret 2017 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596; Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"Reconstruction of initial conditions of the Burgers equation in conservation law problems"
Vol. 909, No. 1, November 2017 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596 & Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"Runge-Kutta and rational block methods for solving initial value problems"
Vol. 795, No. 1, Februari 2017 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596; Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"Variational iteration method for solving the population dynamics model of two species"
Vol. 795, No. 1, Februari 2017 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN 1742-6596; Print ISSN 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"Variational iteration method used to solve the one-dimensional acoustic equations"
Vol. 856, No. 1, 02 Juni 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd. Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596; Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018).
"A finite volume method for solving the gravity wave-model equations"
Vol.1090, No.1, September 2018 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN 1742-6596; Print ISSN 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018).
"A simple finite volume scheme for subcritical shallow water flows on staggered grids"
Volume 2001, Nomor 1, 16 Agustus 2018 AIP Publishing Nomor: ISSN:0094-243X; E-ISSN:1551-7616. AIP Conference Proceedings
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018).
"A staggered method for the shallow water equations involving varying channel width and topography"
Vol.16, No.3, Juli 2018 Begell House, Inc. Nomor: ISSN Print 1543-1649; ISSN Online 1940-4352. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018).
"Adomian decomposition method for solving initial value problems in vibration models"
Volume 159, Maret 2018 EDP Sciences Nomor: 2261-236X. MATEC Web of Conferences
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018).
"Finite Difference Methods for Simulation of Water Waves Generated by Moving Topography"
Vol.1090, No.1, September 2018 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN 1742-6596; Print ISSN 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018).
"Mengembangkan industri briket dengan mempergunakan mesin pengering briket energi listrik"
Vol.1, No.2, Oktober 2018 Universitas Sanata Dharma Nomor: E-ISSN 2620-5513 & P-ISSN 2620-5505. Abdimas Altruis : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018).
"Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow in Human Artery Using (A, Q) and (A, u) Systems"
Volume 325, Nomor 1, Maret 2018 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN: 1757-899X & Print ISSN: 1757-8981. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018).
"Numerical solutions to a parabolic model of two-layer fluids"
Vol.1090, No.1, September 2018 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN 1742-6596; Print ISSN 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018).
"Performance of the Lax-Wendroff finite volume method for solving the gravity wave-model equations"
Volume 1007, Nomor 1, 30 April 2018 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596 & Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018).
"The influence of welding speed conditions of GMAW on mechanical properties of 316L austenitic stainless steel"
Volume 159, Nomor 02009, Maret 2018 EDP Sciences Nomor: 2261-236X. MATEC Web of Conferences
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018).
"Variational estimate method for solving autonomous ordinary differential equations"
Volume 1007, Nomor 1, 30 April 2018 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596 & Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018).
"Variational Iteration Solution to the Gravity Wave-Model Equations"
Volume 1007, Nomor 1, 30 April 2018 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN: 1742-6596 & Print ISSN: 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Application of numerical integration in solving a reverse osmosis model"
Vol.2202, No.020043, 27 Des 2019 AIP Publishing Nomor: Print ISSN 0094-243X, Online ISSN 1551-7616. AIP Conference Proceedings
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Development of a Graphical User Interface Application to Identify Marginal and Potent Ligands for Estrogen Receptor Alpha"
Vol.19, No.2, Mei 2019 Gadjah Mada University Nomor: ISSN print 1411-9420 & online 2460-1578. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Formal expansion method for solving an electrical circuit model"
Vol.17, No.3, Juni 2019 UAD-IAES Nomor: 1693-6930. TELKOMNIKA
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Nonstandard finite difference methods for solving models of population dynamics"
Vol.2202, No.020042, 27 Des 2019 AIP Publishing Nomor: Print ISSN 0094-243X, Online ISSN 1551-7616. AIP Conference Proceedings
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Numerical entropy production as smoothness indicator for shallow water equations"
Vol. 61, No. 4, Oktober 2019 Cambridge University Press Nomor: 1446-1811 (Print), 1446-8735 (Online). ANZIAM Journal
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Overview of the International Conference on Mathematical Analysis, its Applications and Learning (ICoMAAL) 2018"
Vol.1180, No.1, Maret 2019 IOP Publishing Nomor: Online ISSN 1742-6596 & Print ISSN 1742-6588. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Penerapan Metode Runge-Kutta dan Iterasi Variasional dalam Simulasi Transmisi Tuberkulosis"
Volume 16, Nomor 2, Desember 2019 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Nomor: ISSN Online: 2579-8936; ISSN Print: 1829-605X. Limits: Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Performance of the Runge-Kutta methods in solving a mathematical model for the spread of dengue fever disease"
Vol.2202, No.020044, 27 Des 2019 AIP Publishing Nomor: Print ISSN 0094-243X, Online ISSN 1551-7616. AIP Conference Proceedings
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Performance of the Runge-Kutta Methods in Solving a Mathematical Model for the Spread of Dengue Fever Disease"
Volume 2202, Nomor 020044, Desember 2019 AIP Publishing Nomor: ISSN Online: 1551-7616; ISSN Print: 0094-243X; ISBN: 978-0-7354-1953-7. AIP Conference Proceedings
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"A Staggered Method for Simulating Shallow Water Flows along Channels with Irregular Geometry and Friction"
Vol.10, No.3, Juni 2020 INSIGHT - Indonesian Society for Knowledge and Human Development Nomor: 2088-5334. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Comparison of different numerical schemes for 1D conservation laws"
2020, Agustus Taylor and Francis Ltd. Nomor: 0972-0502. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Effects of a Logistic Reaction to Finite Difference Numerical Solutions of the Inviscid Burgers Equation"
Volume 2, Nomor 2, Februari 2020 Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta Nomor: ISSN Online: 2623-2308; ISSN Print: 2623-0119. Indonesian Journal of Information Systems
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Improved Variational Iteration Solutions to the SIR Model of Dengue Fever Disease for the Case of South Sulawesi"
Vol. 20, No. 3, Desember 2020 Institut Teknologi Bandung Nomor: P-ISSN 2337-5760; E-ISSN 2338-5510. Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Publication Trends by Indonesia and Malaysia Affiliated Researchers About Public Policy, Technology, and Economics"
Volume 2, Nomor 2, Februari 2020 Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta Nomor: ISSN Online: 2623-2308; ISSN Print: 2623-0119. Indonesian Journal of Information Systems
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"PyPLIF HIPPOS: A Molecular Interaction Fingerprinting Tool for Docking Results of AutoDock Vina and PLANTS"
60,8,Agustus American Chemical Society Nomor: 1549-9596. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (Terindeks Scopus Q1)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Successive Approximation, Variational Iteration, and Multistage-Analytical Methods for a SEIR Model of Infectious Disease Involving Vaccination Strategy"
Vol. 3, No. 2, Desember 2020 Institut Teknologi Bandung Nomor: e-ISSN 2549-2896. Communication in Biomathematical Sciences
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Variational iteration and successive approximation methods for a SIR epidemic model with constant vaccination strategy"
90, September 2020 Elsevier Nomor: 0307-904X. Applied Mathematical Modelling
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Weak Local Residuals as Smoothness Indicators in Adaptive Mesh Methods for Shallow Water Flows"
Volume 12, Nomor 3, Maret 2020 MDPI Nomor: 2073-8994. Symmetry
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021).
"A fast and accurate analytical-numerical method for solving the prey-predator model"
Published online 15 Aug 2021 Taylor and Francis Ltd. Nomor: pISSN 0972-0502; eISSN 2169-012X. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021).
"A multistage successive approximation method for riccati differential equations"
Vol. 10, No. 3, Juni 2021 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) Nomor: pISSN 2089-3191; eISSN 2302-9285. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021).
"A numerical-analytical iterative method for solving an electrical oscillator equation"
Vol. 19, No. 4, Agustus 2021 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) Nomor: pISSN 1693-6930; eISSN 2302-9293. Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021).
"An Accurate Analytical-Numerical Iterative Method for the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered Epidemic Models"
Vol. 5, No. 2, Oktober 2021 Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram Nomor: eISSN 2614-1175; pISSN 2597-7512. JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021).
"Keakuratan Metode Dekomposisi Adomian untuk Masalah Nilai Awal yang Penyelesaian Eksaknya Memuat Titik Singular"
Vol. 6, No. 2, September 2021 Universitas Galuh Nomor: pISSN 2541-0660; eISSN 2597-7237. Teorema: Teori dan Riset Matematika
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021).
"Modelling and Simulation of Topical Drug Diffusion in The Dermal Layer of Human Body"
Vol. 86, No. 2, Oktober 2021 Penerbit Akademia Baru Nomor: 2289-7879. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021).
"Numerical verification of the orders of accuracy of truncated asymptotic expansion solutions to the van der Pol equation"
59, Issue 1, 2021, January Springer Nomor: P-ISSN:0259-9791 & E-ISSN:1572-8897. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021).
"Penyelesaian Model Epidemi SIR Menggunakan Metode Runge-Kutta Orde Empat dan Metode Adams-Bashforth-Moulton"
Vol. 18, No. 2, Juli 2021 Universitas Pakuan Nomor: pISSN 1693-7554; eISSN 2654-3990. KOMPUTASI: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer dan Matematika
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021).
"PyPLIF HIPPOS-Assisted Prediction of Molecular Determinants of Ligand Binding to Receptors"
Vol. 26, No. 9, Mei 2021 MDPI Nomor: 1420-3049. molecules
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021).
"The Euler, Heun, and Fourth Order Runge-Kutta Solutions to SEIR Model for the Spread of Meningitis Disease"
Vol. 6, No. 2, Agustus 2021 Universitas Wiralodra Nomor: pISSN 2502-5872; eISSN 2622-3627. Mathline : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021).
"Verifikasi Tingkat Keakuratan Beberapa Metode Integrasi Numerik Fungsi atas Satu Peubah Bebas"
Vol. 6, No. 1, Juni 2021 Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo Nomor: 2527-6182 (online); 2548-7809 (print). Jurnal Silogisme: Kajian Ilmu Matematika dan Pembelajarannya
Sudi Mungkasi. (2022).
"An order verification method for truncated asymptotic expansion solutions to initial value problems"
Vol. 61, No. 1, Januari 2022 Elsevier Nomor: pISSN 1110-0168; eISSN 2090-2670. Alexandria Engineering Journal
Sudi Mungkasi. (2023).
"A piecewise analytical iterative method for a wire-mass model"
Vol. 13, No. 1, Januari 2023 Isik University Nomor: 2146-1147. Turkish World Mathematical Society Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics
Sudi Mungkasi. (2023).
"Caffeic Acid in Spent Coffee Grounds as a Dual Inhibitor for MMP-9 and DPP-4 Enzymes"
28, 20, Oktober MDPI Nomor: 1420-3049. Molecules
Sudi Mungkasi. (2023).
"Penyelesaian Model Epidemiologi SIR Menggunakan Metode Runge-Kutta Orde Tiga dan Metode Adams-Bashforth Orde Tiga"
vol. 6, no. 2, Oktober 2023 Universitas Negeri Makassar Nomor: p-ISSN 2476-9487; e-ISSN : 2721-0863. Journal of Mathematics, Computations and Statistics
Sudi Mungkasi. (1900).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (1900).
"Numerical Solutions to Fast Transient Pipe Flow Problems"
UNS Surakarta Nomor: -. The 2014 International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology (ICAMST 2014)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2011).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2011).
"A finite volume method for shallow water flows on triangular computational grids"
Universitas Indonesia Nomor: 978-979-1421-11-9. International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information System (ICACSIS) 2011
Sudi Mungkasi. (2012).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2012).
"Behaviour of the numerical entropy production of the one-and-a-half-dimensional shallow water equations"
Australian Mathematical Society Nomor: -. CTAC 2012
Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"ANUGA software untuk simulasi banjir dan tsunami"
Departemen Matematika, Institut Pertanian Bogor Nomor: -. Seminar Departemen Matematika IPB 2013
Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"Numerical entropy production of the one-and-a-half-dimensional shallow water equations with topography"
Indonesian Mathematical Society Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 6–8 November 2013 Nomor: -. IndoMS International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications (IICMA) 2013
Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"Penerapan Model Saint-Venant dan Metode Volume Hingga dalam Beberapa Masalah Bencana Alam"
FST Universitas Sanata Dharma dan FT Universitas Atma Jaya Jakarta Nomor: 978-602-97094-4-5. Seminar Riset dan Teknologi Terapan (RITEKTRA) 2013
Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"Sains dan teknologi: memodelkan banjir dan tsunami bagi kemanusiaan"
FST Universitas Sanata Dharma Nomor: -. Seminar Dies Natalis FST USD 2013
Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"Validation of ANUGA hydraulic model using exact solutions to shallow water wave problems"
Institute of Physics Conference Nomor: -. ScieTech 2013
Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"Weak local residual as the refinement indicator for the shallow water Equations"
East Asia Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Nomor: -. EASIAM-CIAM 2013
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"An accurate smoothness indicator for shallow water flows along channels with varying width"
UGM dan ITB Nomor: -. The 2014 International Seminar on Instrumentation, Measurement and Metrology (ISIMM 2014)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"Finite Volume Simulations of Fast Transient Flows in a Pipe System"
UNY Yogyakarta Nomor: -. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education (1st ISIMMED) 2014
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"How realistic the well-known Lotka-Volterra predator-prey equations are"
UNS Surakarta Nomor: 9772337392004. SEMINAR NASIONAL Matematika, Statistika, Pendidikan Matematika dan Komputasi 2014
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"Numerical entropy production of shallow water flows along channels with varying width"
Universitas Sebelas Maret Nomor: -. The 7th International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICOPIA 2014)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"A finite volume method for solving non-equilibrium condensing steam flow problems"
- Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Nomor: -. Seminar Riset dan Teknologi Terapan (RITEKTRA) 2015
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"A modified two-four finite difference scheme for the shallow water equations"
- Universitas Sanata Dharma Nomor: -. The 2015 International Conference on Mathematics, its Applications, and Mathematics Education (ICMAME 2015)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"A smoothness indicator for numerical solutions to the Ripa model"
- Universitas Sanata Dharma Nomor: -. The 2015 International Conference on Mathematics, its Applications, and Mathematics Education (ICMAME 2015)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"An adaptive mesh finite volume method for the Euler equations of gas dynamics"
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada Universitas Gadjah Mada Nomor: 978-602-73461-1-6. The 7th International Conference on Thermofluids and the 3rd AUN/SEED-NET Regional Conference on Energy Engineering (RCENE THERMOFLUID 2015)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Analytical solution of Boussinesq equations as a model of wave generation"
- Universitas Gadjah Mada Nomor: -. The 7th SEAMS UGM International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications (SEAMS UGM 2015)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"On the relevance of a variational iteration method for solving the shallow water equations"
- Universitas Gadjah Mada Nomor: -. The 7th SEAMS UGM International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications (SEAMS UGM 2015)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2018).
"Simulasi Numeris Gelombang Periodik di Pantai Bertopografi Miring Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak ANUGA"
Fakultas Teknik Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta, Jakarta Pusat Universitas Atma Jaya Makassar Nomor: 978-602-97094-7-6. Seminar Nasional Riset dan Teknologi Terapan 8 (RITEKTRA 8)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"A staggered method for the 1D shallow water equations"
- Australian National University Nomor: -. Seminar on Computational Mathematics
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Application of Numerical Integration in Solving a Reverse Osmosis Model"
- Universitas Sebelas Maret Nomor: -. International Conference on Science and Applied Science (ICSAS) 2019
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Efficiency and Effectiveness of a Fin Having Capsule-Shaped Cross Section Dependent on the One-Dimensional Position"
EAI Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta Nomor: ISBN 978-1-63190-177-5 & ISSN 2593-7650. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Science and Technology for an Internet of Things
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Efficiency and Effectiveness of a Fin Having Pentagonal Cross Section Dependent on the One-Dimensional Position"
EAI Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta Nomor: ISBN 978-1-63190-177-5 & ISSN 2593-7650. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Science and Technology for an Internet of Things
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Finite Volume Numerical Solutions to the Shallow Water wave Equations"
- Australian National University Nomor: -. Mini-Course and Workshop on the Application of Computational Mathematics to Plasma Physics
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Nonstandard Finite Difference Methods for Solving Models of Population Dynamics"
- Universitas Sebelas Maret Nomor: -. International Conference on Science and Applied Science (ICSAS) 2019
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Performance of the Runge-Kutta Methods in Solving a Mathematical Model for the Spread of Dengue Fever Disease"
- Universitas Sebelas Maret Nomor: -. International Conference on Science and Applied Science (ICSAS) 2019
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Unjuk Kerja Beberapa Metode Volume Hingga untuk Persamaan Burgers"
Akademi Angkatan Udara Akademi Angkatan Udara Nomor: ISSN 2685-8991; ISBN 977-268-58990-1-9. Seminar Nasional Sains Teknologi dan Inovasi Indonesia Akademi Angkatan Udara 2019 (SENASTINDO AAU 2019)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2019).
"Weak Local Residuals of the Shallow Water Equations Produced by a Staggered-Grid Finite Volume Method"
- Universitas Gadjah Mada Nomor: -. The 8th SEAMS-UGM International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications (SEAMS-UGM 2019)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Adomian Decomposition Method Used to Solve a SIR Epidemic Model of Dengue Fever"
European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Nomor: 978-1-63190-229-1. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Science and Technology for the Internet of Things (ICSTI 2019)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Efficiency and Effectiveness of a Rotation-Shaped Fin Having the Cross-Section Area Dependent on the One-Dimensional Position"
European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Nomor: 978-1-63190-229-1. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Science and Technology for the Internet of Things (ICSTI 2019)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Euler’s and Heun’s Numerical Solutions to a Mathematical Model of the Spread of COVID-19"
- Universitas Negeri Malang Nomor: -. The 3rd International Conference on Life Sciences and Technology (ICoLiST 2020)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Finite Volume Numerical Methods for the Shallow Water Equations"
- Arunai International Research Foundation Nomor: -. International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Mathematical Sciences
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Fourth Order Runge-Kutta Method for Solving a Mathematical Model of the Spread of HIV-AIDS"
- Universitas Negeri Malang Nomor: -. The 3rd International Conference on Life Sciences and Technology (ICoLiST 2020)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Modelling and Simulation of Drug Diffusion in the Dermal Layer of Human Body"
- Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Nomor: -. The 6th International Conference on Application of Science and Mathematics (SCIEMATHIC 2020)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"On Modelling of Water Distillation in a Reverse Osmosis Process"
European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Nomor: 978-1-63190-229-1. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Science and Technology for the Internet of Things (ICSTI 2019)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Some Numerical and Analytical Solutions to an Enzyme-Substrate Reaction-Diffusion Problem"
- STMIK AKAKOM Yogyakarta Nomor: -. The 3rd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI 2020)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Variational Iteration Method Used to Solve a SIR Epidemic Model of Tuberculosis"
European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Nomor: 978-1-63190-229-1. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Science and Technology for the Internet of Things (ICSTI 2019)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2020).
"Writing scientific research results for paper publication"
- Arunai International Research Foundation Nomor: -. International Webinar on Writing a Scientific Research Article and Patent Registration
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021).
"Sudi Mungkasi. (2021).
"Some Numerical and Analytical Solutions to an Enzyme-Substrate Reaction-Diffusion Problem"
IEEE STMIK Akakom Yogyakarta Nomor: 978-1-7281-8406-7. Proceedings of the 2020 3rd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI 2020)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"Prosiding Seminar Nasional Riset dan Teknologi Terapan IV (RITEKTRA 2014)"
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Sanata Dharma Nomor: 978-602-71306-0-9.
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017).
"PROCEEDINGS The 1st International Conference on Economics, Business, and Management Research (ICEBMR 2017)"
Sanata Dharma University Press Nomor: Printed Book ISBN: 978-602-6369-94-9 & Electronic Book ISBN: 978-602-6369-95-6.
Sudi Mungkasi. (2022).
"Matematika: Jalan Kesejahteraan"
Sanata Dharma University Press Nomor: 978-623-6103-73-9.
Sudi Mungkasi. (2011).
"A finite volume method for shallow water flows on triangular computational grids"
Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia Nomor: 978-979-1421-11-9. Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information System (ICACSIS 2011)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"Adaptively limiting high order discontinuous Galerkin solutions to the advection equation"
The Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc. Nomor: 978-0-9872143-2-4. Abstracts of the 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM 2013)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"Penanggulangan Bencana Melalui Perspektif Ilmu Matematika"
Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"Penerapan Model Saint-Venant dan Metode Volume Hingga dalam Beberapa Masalah Bencana Alam"
Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya Jakarta & Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Sanata Dharma Nomor: 978-602-97094-4-5. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Riset dan Teknologi Terapan 2013 (RITEKTRA 2013)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2013).
"Predictions on arrival times of water of the St. Francis dam break flood using ANUGA"
The Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc. Nomor: 978-0-9872143-3-1. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM 2013)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"A finite volume method with adaptive mesh refinement for the shallow water equations"
Seoul ICM 2014 Nomor: 978-89-6105-819-3. Abstracts of the 2014 International Congress of Mathematicians
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"On the Advantage of Implementing an Adaptive Moving Mesh to Solve the Burgers Equation"
School of Engineering & Science, Curtin University Sarawak Malaysia Nomor: 978-967-0479-36-1. Discovering, Innovating and Engineering: The 9th CUTSE Conference 2014
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"Performa Perangkat Lunak ANUGA dalam Simulasi Masalah Pecahnya Bendungan Model Yeh-Petroff"
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Sanata Dharma Nomor: 978-602-71306-0-9. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Riset dan Teknologi Terapan IV (RITEKTRA 2014)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"Performance of a Second Order Finite Volume Method with Different Slope Limiters in Solving the Dam-Break Problem"
Curtin University Sarawak Nomor: 978-983-44482-6-4. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on the Analysis and Mathematical Applications in Engineering and Science (AMAES 2014)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014).
"Viscosity factors in the Lax-Friedrichs flux formulation for a sediment transport model"
Universitas Sanata Dharma Press Nomor: 978-602-9187-91-5. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika 2014
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Numerical Entropy Production of Shallow Water Flows along Channels with Varying Width"
Atlantis Press Nomor: 978-94-62520-51-6. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICOPIA 2014)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Numerical Simulation of Debris Avalanche Problems"
Maranatha University Press Nomor: 978-602-72127-1-8. Prosiding SeTISI 2015 Seminar Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015).
"Pembelajaran yang Sambung Realitas: Menguasai Sains dan Teknologi dengan Wawasan Nilai-nilai Etis"
Sanata Dharma University Press Nomor: 978-602-0830-23-0. Manusia Pembelajar di Dunia Tarik Ulur
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016).
"Matematika bagi Kemanusiaan: Pemodelan Matematika dan Simulasi untuk Masalah Banjir dan Tsunami"
Sanata Dharma University Press Nomor: 978-602-6369-42-0. Matematika, Sains, dan Teknologi untuk Kemanusiaan
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021).
"Euler's and Heun's numerical solutions to a mathematical model of the spread of COVID-19"
American Institute of Physics Nomor: 978-0-7354-4096-8. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Life Sciences and Technology
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021).
"Fourth order Runge-Kutta method for solving a mathematical model of the spread of HIV-AIDS"
American Institute of Physics Nomor: 978-0-7354-4096-8. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Life Sciences and Technology
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021). "Hubungan Human Development index dengan reselience ekonomi negara dalam masa pandemi covid19"
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021). "Metode Beda Hingga Nonstandar untuk Menyelesaikan Beberapa Model Matematika Kebencanaan Berbentuk Persamaan Diferensial"
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021). "Peningkatan efisiensi distilasi air energi surya jenis bak menggunakan interfacing capillarity heating"
Sudi Mungkasi. (2023). "Sistem Kecerdasan Artifisial Penemuan dan Rancangan Obat Diabetes Baru Dari Bahan Alam Bertargetkan Dipeptidil Peptidase-4"
Sudi Mungkasi. (2023). "Sistem Kecerdasan Artifisial Penemuan dan Rancangan Obat Diabetes Baru Dari Bahan Alam Bertargetkan Dipeptidil Peptidase-4 (Tahun ke-3)"
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014). "Lokakarya penulisan dan publikasi karya ilmiah di jurnal internasional bagi dosen dan mahasiswa Program Studi Matematika" UNY Yogyakarta
Sudi Mungkasi. (2014). "Pendampingan penyusunan buku tematik terpadu Kurikulum 2013, bagi guru-guru SD Kanisius cabang Yogyakarta" USD Yogyakarta
Sudi Mungkasi. (2015). "SEAMS School 2015: Modelling and Simulation for the Environmental Phenomena" Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta
Sudi Mungkasi. (2016). "SEAMS School International Workshop on Mathematical and Numerical Modelling for Wave Dynamics, Bandung Institute of Technology, 1-9 June 2016" Institut Teknologi Bandung
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017). "Pelayanan kepada masyarakat untuk menunjang pembangunan berdasarkan bidang keahlian melalui pengenalan Program Studi Matematika pada Institut Teknologi Sumatera" Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Lampung
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017). "International Workshop on Cross Border Immersion in Information Technology" Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017). "Pelayanan kepada masyarakat untuk menunjang pembangunan pendidikan berdasarkan bidang keahlian sains dan teknologi" SMK St. Yosef Nenuk, Atambua, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017). "Pengembangan hasil pendidikan dan penelitian untuk dimanfaatkan masyarakat Kabupaten Belu dalam pelatihan pemasangan pompa hidram" Kabupaten Belu, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017). "Pelayanan kepada masyarakat untuk menunjang pembangunan pendidikan berdasarkan bidang keahlian pemodelan matematika" Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017). "Pelayanan kepada masyarakat untuk menunjang pembangunan pendidikan berdasarkan bidang keahlian matematika komputasi" Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Sudi Mungkasi. (2017). "Pelayanan kepada masyarakat untuk menunjang pembangunan berdasarkan bidang keahlian pada workshop publikasi dalam jurnal internasional dengan program pengolah kata LaTeX" Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira, Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018). "MATHEMATICS ROAD TO SCHOOL" SMA Tarakanaita Magelang
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018). "Pengembangan Industri Briket di Daerah Yogyakarta" J Barkoh Workshop, Klepu RT 05 RW 39, SUmber Agung, Moyudan, Sleman 55563
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019). "Mathematics Road To School 2019" SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu Yogyakarta
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019). "PKM untuk Guru, Laboran, dan Siswa SMK Bidang Keahlian Desain Interior dan Teknik Furnitur di SMK Pangudi Luhur Muntilan" SMK Pangudi Luhur Muntilan
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019). "Pelatihan tentang Matematika Komputasi dan Informatika" Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019). "Pelatihan Olimpiade Sains Nasional Tingkat Sekolah Dasar" SD Kanisius Totogan, Prambanan, Sleman
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018). "Workshop Pola Karir Jabatan Fungsional Dosen" STIK Stella Maris, Makassar
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019). "Pelatihan Penyusunan Karya Tulis Ilmiah" PMSD Yogyakarta
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018). "Workshop SolidWorks dan Pengenalan Desain 3D" SMA Frater Makassar
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018). "Pelatihan Terapan Matematika dalam Teknologi Komputasi" Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018). "Pelatihan Terapan Matematika Komputasi dalam Teknik Mesin" Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya Jakarta
Sudi Mungkasi. (2018). "Pelatihan Pemodelan dan Komputasi Matematika" Universitas Brawijaya, Malang
Sudi Mungkasi. (2019). "Ceramah tentang Metode Numerik Staggered Grid untuk Persamaan Gelombang Air Dangkal" Institut Teknologi Bandung
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020). "Pendampingan Persiapan Olimpiade Matematika di SMA Bopkri 1 Yogyakarta (PkMPU 2)" SMA Bopkri 1 Yogyakarta
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020). "Mathematics Road To School 2020" SMA Stella Duce 2 Yogyakarta
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020). "Ceramah Penulisan Penelitian dan Publikasi Akademis" Lembaga Studi Realino Yogyakarta
Sudi Mungkasi. (2020). "Pelatihan One Week International Faculty Development Programme on "Writing a Scientific Research Article and Patent Registration" (WSRAPR-2020)" Online Zoom dan Offline Universitas Sanata Dharma
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021). "Pembangunan Pompa Air Tenaga Surya sebagai Pompa Pendorong Air Embung Grigak untuk Perkebungan Eco Camp Mangun Karsa" Embung Grigak Ds. Girikarto, Panggang, Gunungkidul, DIY
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021). "Pelatihan Olimpiade Sains Nasional Matematika Tingkat SMA" SMA BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021). "One Week Online International Faculty Development Programme on New Dimensions in Science and Technology" Yogyakarta (Zoom online platform)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2021). "Pembimbingan KSN Matematika di SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta" SMA Bopkri I Yogyakarta
Sudi Mungkasi. (2022). "Pembelajaran Berpusat pada Siswa (Student Centered Learning) bagi para Guru Yayasan Bala Keselamatan" Daring
Sudi Mungkasi. (2022). "Pendampingan Persiapan Kompetisi Sains Nasional Bidang Matematika di SMA Santa Maria 1 Bandung" SMA Santa Maria 1 Bandung
Sudi Mungkasi. (2023). "Kegiatan Pendampingan Persiapan Kompetisi Sains Nasional Bidang Matematika di SMA Santa Maria 1 Bandung" SMA 1 Bandung (online)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2023). "Pendampingan Persiapan Olimpiade Sains Nasional bidang Matematika di SMA St. Fransiskus Assisi Samarinda" SMA St. Fransiskus Assisi Samarinda (daring via Zoom)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2023). "Pendampingan Persiapan Kompetisi Sains Nasional Bidang Matematika SMA Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta" SMA Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta
Sudi Mungkasi. (2024).
"Co-dynamics model of the spread of malaria and COVID-19 with numerical solutions using the third-orderand the fourth-order Runge-Kutta methods"
3074 AIP Conference Proceedings Nomor: 0094-243X. The 7th International Conference on Science and Applied Science (ICSAS 2022)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2024).
"Fourth and fifth-order Runge-Kutta methods for solving a susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered mathematical model of the spread of COVID-19"
3074 AIP Conference Proceedings Nomor: 0094-243X. The 7th International Conference on Science and Applied Science (ICSAS 2022)
Sudi Mungkasi. (2025). "Pendampingan Persiapan Olimpiade Sains Nasional bidang Matematika tingkat Kabupaten/Kota di SMA St. Fransiskus Assisi Samarinda tahun 2025" SMA St Fransiskus Assisi Samarinda (daring)